Documentation - PUSH API
For Addition, Updation and deletion of employees in ZingHR as per details of parent system.
This information should auto push from the API to ZingHR. There might be scenario where the parent system will generate the e-code and then push information. Or the parent system will share information and ZingHR to generate the e-code automatically as per configuration of the e-code setup series. Also, there might be modifications and deletions (resignation) put in some other system which needs to be updated in ZingHR automatically.
- Employee Code, First Name, Date Of Birth, Date Of Joining is mandatory to create employee.
- When employee create/update request is sent, below properties are checked for duplication
- 1. Employee Code
- 2. Mobile Number
- 3. Email Address
- 4. PAN Number
- 5. Aadhar Number
- 6. PF Account Number
- 7. UAN Number
- Employee Code is mandatory to update employee details.
- When employee update request is sent, below properties are not updated in the system l
- 1. Employee Code
- 2. Role
- l When employee insert/update request is sent, below properties are checked for master exists
- 1. Marital Status
- 2. Blood Group
- 3. Employment Type
- 4. Physical Status
- 5. Employment Status
- 6. Branch Master
- 7. Bank Master
- 8. Bank Code
- 9. Wages Code
- 10. Payment Mode
- 11. PT State
- 12. PF Type
- 13. VPF Type
- 14. EPS Type
- l When employee insert/update request is sent, below properties are checked for master exists
Push API
Particulars | Description |
URL | |
Methods Supported | POST |
Description | For Addition, Updation and deletion of employees in ZingHR as per details of parent system.
The following are the elements required to get the details of attribute master.
Proprty Type | Data Type | Description | Mandatory | Remarks |
SubscriptionName | String | Subscription name of the account | Yes | Max length 10 characters |
Token | String | Security check to verify the account and request. | Yes |
Flag | String | For Insertion/ modification / Deletion | Yes | Insert - A Modification - U Deletion - D |
Elements of Employee Collection:
EmpCode | String | Employee Code of an employee. | Yes |
Salutation | String | Salutation of an employee. |
FirstName | String | First Name of an employee. | Yes |
MiddleName | String | Middle name of an employee. |
LastName | String | Last name of an employee. |
FatherName | String | Father name of an employee. |
OfficialEmail | String | Official email of an employee. |
PersonalEmail | String | Personal email of an employee. |
DateOfBirth | DateTime | Date of birth of an employee | Yes |
MaritalStatus | String | Marital Status of an employee. |
DateOfMarriage | DateTime | Date of marriage of an employee. |
Gender | String | Gender of an employee. |
BloodGroup | String | Blood group of an employee. |
MobileNumber | String | Mobile number of an employee. |
EmploymentType | String | Employment type of an employee. |
Address | String | Address of an employee. |
EmploymentStatus | String | Employment Status of an employee |
DateOfJoining | DateTime | Date of joining of an employee. |
ReportingManagerCode | String | Reporting manager code of an employee. |
DateOfConfirmation | DateTime | Date of confirmation of an employee. |
SpouseName | String | Spouse name of an employee. |
CardCodeMap | String | Card Code of an employee |
Bank Details Collection
BankAccountNo | String | Bank account number of an employee. |
BankCode | String | Bank branch code of an employee. |
BankName | String | Bank Name of an employee. |
IFSCCode | String | IFSC_Code String IFSC code of an employee. |
PaymentMode | String | Payment mode of an employee |
Contact Details Collection
Address | String | Employee Address |
Type | String | Type of Address(Present / Permanent) |
Country | String | Country of employee |
State | String | State of employee |
City | String | City of Employee | |
District | String | Distict of employee | |
Village | String | Village of Employee | |
ContactNo | Srting | Contact Number | |
Mobile No | String | Mobile Number | |
PinCode | String | Pincode |
Identity Details Collection
PanNumber | String | PAN Number of an employee. |
AadharNumber | String | Aadhar number of an employee. |
UAN | String | UAN String UAN No. |
Payroll Details Collection
PTState | String | PT State of an employee. |
WagesCode | String | Wages code of an employee. |
PFApplicable | String | PF Applicability for of an employee. |
ESICApplicable | String | ESIC Applicability of an employee. |
PTApplicable | String | PT applicability of an employee. |
PhysicalStatus | String | Physical status of an employee. |
GroupDOJ | String | Group DOJ of an employee. |
PFAccountNumber | String | PF account number of an employee |
PFType | String | PF type of an employee. |
PFBaseSalaryLimit . | String | PF base salary limit of an employee. |
PFDenotion | String | PF Denotion of an employee. |
PFDenotionFigure | String | PF Denotion figure of an employee. |
ESICAccountNumber | String | ESIC account number of an employee. |
ESICDenotion | String | ESIC Denotion of an employee. |
ESICDenotionFigure | String | ESIC Denotion figure of an employee. |
ESICLocationID | String | ESIC location id of an employee. |
EPSApplicable | String | EPS Applicability of an employee. |
EPSType | String | EPS type of an employee. |
EPSBaseSalaryLimit | String | EPS base salary limit of an employee. |
EPSDenotion | String | EPS Denotion of an employee. |
EPSDenotionFigure | String | EPS Denotion figure of an employee. |
VPFType | String | VPF type of an employee. |
VPFBaseSalaryLimit | String | VPF base salary limit of an employee. |
VPFSalaryDenotion | String | VPF Salary Denotion of an employee. |
VPFSalaryDenotionFigure | String | VPF salary Denotion figure of an employee. |
PayHeads Collention Details
HeadCode | String | Pay head code of an employee. |
MonthlyRate | String | Monthly value of payhead of an employee. |
YearlyRate | String | Yearly value of payhead an employee |
Fromdate | String | From date from which payhead applicable |
Skills Collection Details ( below fields are Mandatory If we used Skill details in PUSH API )
SkillsName | String | Skill of an employee | Yes |
FromMonth | String | From month for skill |
FromYear | String | From year for skill |
ToMonth | String | To month for skill |
ToYear | String | To year for skill |
Level | String | Level of skill |
LastUsedMonth | String | Last used month of skill |
LastUsedYear | String | Last used year of skills |
Qualification Collection Details ( below fields are Mandatory If we used Qualification details in PUSH API )
Qualification | String | Qualification of an employee. | Yes |
Stream | String | Stream of an qualification. |
University | String | University of an employee. |
Institute | String | Institute of an employee. |
FromMonth | String | From month for qualification. |
FromYear | String | From year for qualification. |
ToMonth | String | To month for qualification. |
ToYear | String | TO year for qualification. |
PassMonth | String | Pass month for qualification |
PassYear | String | Pass year for qualification. |
Country | String | Country for qualification |
State | String | State for qualification |
City | String | City for qualification |
ExpiryDate | DateTime | Expiry date for an qualification. |
Major | String | Major for an qualification. |
FromDate | DateTime | From date of an qualification. |
ToDate | DateTime | To date for an qualification. |
Certifications Collection Details ( below fields are Mandatory If we used Certification details in PUSH API )
Qualification | String | Qualification of an Certification. | Yes |
Stream | String | Stream of an Certification. |
Specialization | String | Specialization an Certification |
University | String | University of an employee. |
Institute | String | Institute of an employee. |
FromMonth | String | From month for Certification. |
FromYear | String | From year for Certification. |
ToMonth | String | To month for Certification. |
ToYear | String | TO year for Certification. |
PassMonth | String | Pass month for Certification. |
PassYear | String | Pass year for Certification. |
Country | String | Country for Certification. |
State | String | State for Certification. |
City | String | City for Certification. |
ExpiryDate | DateTime | Expiry date for an Certification. |
Major | String | Major for an Certification. |
FromDate | DateTime | From date of an Certification. |
ToDate | DateTime | To date for an Certification. |
Attribute Details Collection ( below fields are Mandatory If we used Attribute details in PUSH API )
AttributeTypeCode | String | Attribute type code of an employee. | Yes |
AttributeTypeUnitCode | String | Attribute unit type code of an employee. | Yes |
Employment History Details ( below fields are Mandatory If we used Employment History details in PUSH API )
CompanyName | String | Company name of an employee. | Yes |
Designation | String | Designation of an employee. |
FromDate | DateTime | From date for job period. |
ToDate | DateTime | To date for job period |
EmploymentRole | String | Role of an employee |
LastDrawnSalary | String | Last salary in this company of an employee. |
ReportingManager | String | Reporting manager name of an employee |
ReasonForChange | String | Reason for change |
AboutCompany | String | String About company |
CompanyAddress | String | Company address of an employee |
WebLink | String | Any web site link |
FromMonth | String | From month started |
FromYear | String | From year started |
ToMonth | String | To month job end |
ToYear | String | To year job end |
PFNumber | String | PF Account Number |
ESICNumber | String | ESIC Account Number |
Approver Detail Collection ( below fields are Mandatory If we are using details Approver Detail in PUSH API )
EffectiveDate | MM-DD-YYYY | Date from which it should be effective |
IncludeUnapprovedTransactions | String | Whether to include in transaction (Yes/No) |
Module Collection ( below fields are module wise fields to set Approver Detail through PUSH API )
- For Claim Module
Approver Level | String | Up to Max approver Set eg 1or 2 |
Approver Code | String | Employee code of approver |
Claim Code | String | Claim code for which approver is required. |
- For LMS Module
Approver Level | String | Up to Max approver Set eg 1or2 |
Approver Code | String | Employee code of approver |
LeaveTypeCode | String | Leave Code for which approver is required. |
- For Travel Module
Approver Level | String | Up to Max approver Set eg 1or2 |
Approver Code | String | Employee code of approver |
TravelTypeCode | String | Travel Type Code for which approver is required. |
- For Contract Module
Approver Level | String | Up to Max approver Set eg 1or2 |
Approver Code | String | Employee code of approver |
ContractName | String | Contract name for which approver is required. |
- For TNA Module
Approver Level | String | Up to Max approver Set eg 1or2 |
Approver Code | String | Employee code of approver |
API Code & Message For Success
ReturnCode | 200 |
Message - For A Success | Employee Created |
Message - For U Success | Employee Modified |
Message - For D Success | Employee Deleted |
API Code & Message For Invalid
Message | The request is invalid |
Model |
E-Code | Employee Code is already exists in the system. |
API Example
"SubscriptionName": "<<Your Account Name>>",
"Token": "<<Your API Token>>",
"Flag": "A",
"Employee": [
"EmpCode" : "ZING001",
"Salutation" : "Mr.",
"FirstName" : "Santosh",
"MiddleName" : "Kumar",
"LastName" : "Ghela",
"DateOfBirth" : "05/02/1995",
"MaritalStatus" : "Single",
"DateOfMarriage" : "05/02/2020",
"Gender" : "Male",
"BloodGroup" : "A+",
"OfficialEmail" : "[email protected]",
"PersonalEmail" : "[email protected]",
"MobileNumber" : "9988774455",
"EmploymentType" : "",
"FatherName" : "Kumar",
"EmploymentStatus" : "Existing",
"DateOfJoining" : "05/02/2013",
"ReportingManagerCode" : "Admin",
"DateOfConfirmation" : "20/14/1994",
"SpouseName" : "Kumar",
"CardCoreMap" : "1234"
"Identity": {
"PanNumber": "EOPPS9488R",
"AadharNumber": "223156892023",
"UANNumber": "UAN1818"
"Attribute": [
"AttributeTypeCode": "Company Code",
"AttributeTypeUnitCode": "ZINGHR"
"AttributeTypeCode": "Company Name",
"AttributeTypeUnitCode": "Cnergyis PVT LTD"
"Payroll": {
"PhysicalStatus": "Disabled",
"WagesCode": "Regular",
"PFApplicable": "1",
"ESICApplicable": "0",
"PTApplicable": "1",
"LWFApplicable": "0",
"PTState": "Maharashtra",
"GroupDOJ": "12-09-2017",
"PFAccountNumber": "DSEFJ0098447",
"PFType": "RPFC",
"PFBaseSalaryLimit": "1800",
"PFDenotion": "R",
"PFDenotionFigure": "12",
"ESICAccountNumber": "11112822928",
"ESICDenotion": "R",
"ESICDenotionFigure": "1.75",
"ESICLocationID": "3",
"EPSApplicable": "1",
"EPSType": "RPFC",
"EPSBaseSalaryLimit": "15000",
"EPSDenotion": "R",
"EPSDenotionFigure": "8.33",
"VPFType": "RPFC",
"VPFBaseSalaryLimit": "0",
"VPFSalaryDenotion": "R",
"VPFSalaryDenotionFigure": "24",
"PayHeads": [
"HeadCode": "Basic",
"MonthlyRate": "50000",
"YearlyRate": "600000",
"Fromdate": "06/02/2013"
"BankDetails": {
"BankAccountNumber": "Cheque",
"BankName": "Cheque",
"BankCode": "Cheque",
"IFSCCode": "Cheque",
"PaymentMode" : "Cheque"
"District":"Mumbai City",
"MobileNo":"958200000 ",
"District":"Mumbai City",
"Skills": [
"SkillsName": "Design",
"FromMonth": "5",
"FromYear": "2019",
"ToMonth": "12",
"ToYear": "2019",
"Level": "Test3",
"LastUsedMonth": "6",
"LastUsedYear": "2019"
"Qualifications": [
"Qualification": "Bsc. CS",
"Stream": "Science1",
"Specialization": "IT",
"University": "Mumbai University",
"Institute": "Vartaks",
"FromMonth": "4",
"FromYear": "2005",
"ToMonth": "4",
"ToYear": "2007",
"PassMonth": "7",
"PassYear": "2019",
"Country": "India",
"State": "Maharashtra",
"City": "Mumbai",
"ExpiryDate": "02-02-2019",
"Major": "Science",
"FromDate": "02-02-2019",
"ToDate": "02-04-2020"
"Certifications": [
"Qualification": "Bsc. CS2",
"Stream": "Science2",
"Specialization": "IT2",
"University": "Mumbai University",
"Institute": "Vartaks",
"FromMonth": "4",
"FromYear": "2005",
"ToMonth": "4",
"ToYear": "2007",
"PassMonth": "7",
"PassYear": "2019",
"Country": "India",
"State": "Maharashtra",
"City": "Mumbai",
"ExpiryDate": "02-02-2019",
"Major": "Science",
"FromDate": "02-02-2019",
"ToDate": "02-04-2020"
"EmploymentHistory": [
"CompanyName": "ZEE Learn",
"Designation": "IT Executive",
"FromDate": "02-May-2011",
"ToDate": "01-May-2013",
"EmploymentRole": "Employee",
"LastDrawnSalary": "28000",
"ReportingManager": "ADMIN",
"ReasonForChange": "Better Prospects",
"AboutCompany": "Zee TV",
"CompanyAddress": "Andgeri West",
"WebLink": "",
"FromMonth": "6",
"FromYear": "2018",
"ToMonth": "6",
"ToYear": "2019",
"PFNumber": "AGH67890",
"ESICNumber": "SDF56789"
"CompanyName": "sPIDER Software",
"Designation": "IT Executive",
"FromDate": "02-May-2010",
"ToDate": "01-APR-2011",
"EmploymentRole": "Employee",
"LastDrawnSalary": "28000",
"ReportingManager": "ADMIN",
"ReasonForChange": "Better Prospects",
"AboutCompany": "Zee TV",
"CompanyAddress": "Andgeri West",
"WebLink": "",
"FromMonth": "6",
"FromYear": "2020",
"ToMonth": "6",
"ToYear": "2021",
"PFNumber": "AGH67890",
"ESICNumber": "SDF56789"
"ApproverDetails": {
"EffectiveDate": "12-12-2020",
"IncludeUnapprovedTransactions": "Y",
"Claim": [
"ApproverLevel": "1",
"ApproverCode": "admin",
"ClaimCode": "Petty Cash"
"ApproverLevel": "2",
"ApproverCode": "admin",
"ClaimCode": "Travel Cancellation Claim"
"LMS": [
"ApproverLevel": "1",
"ApproverCode": "admin",
"LeaveTypeCode": "PL"
"ApproverLevel": "2",
"ApproverCode": "admin",
"LeaveTypeCode": "PL"
"Travel": [
"ApproverLevel": "1",
"ApproverCode": "admin",
"TravelTypeCode": "DOMESTIC"
"ApproverLevel": "2",
"ApproverCode": "admin",
"TravelTypeCode": "DOMESTIC"
"Contract": [
"ApproverLevel": "1",
"ApproverCode": "admin",
"ContractName": "Bhabu"
"ApproverLevel": "2",
"ApproverCode": "admin",
"ContractName": "Bhabu"
"TNA": [
"ApproverLevel": "1",
"ApproverCode": "admin"
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