FAQ – How to change the ED approver configuration?

[Note : Please refer below steps for 4.1 Client]


Employee dossier consists of self details of the employee, any changes made has to be approved by approver, if HR/Admin wants to change the approver it can be done through simple configuration changes.

If you want to change a particular approver for ED approver process, we would request you to follow the below given simple steps to do the same:

Step 1: 

Go to “Site Management” module option that you see on your screen after you have logged in as an Administrator. You now get to see this option “Dossier Access Configuration”, click on the same.

Step 2: Select the tab as “Approver Configuration” and click on Edit.

Step 3: You need to fill some mandatory details into the “Approver Configuration” Tab:

A. Tab position – To select which tab you want to change the approver Like for Self/Education etc.

B. Approver level – Approver level should always be as approver 

C. Approver code – enter the employee code to whom you wanted to mark as a approver

D. Escalation point – enter the employee code to whom you wanted to mark as an escalation owner, if approver does not take action in the specified SLA

E. SLA – It defines the time line to the approver to take the necessary action in the defined timeline.

Request you to please click on “SAVE”.


To make certain changes , click on “Edit”.

  ZingHR wishes you a great day ahead !