
If you want to stay logged-in into the mobile application permanently and not enter the login details repeatedly, ZingHR app has 3 options for that

1] Remember Me

2] Stay Logged In

3] Quick Pin

Remember Me

If we select the Remember Me option, it will only remember the 'Company Code' and the 'Employee Code'. It will not remember the password. So, if we logout and click on the application again, the user login page will get opened directly.

Stay Logged In

If we select the stay logged in option, the remember me option will also get selected automatically.  This will enable you to stay signed-in into the application. If you log out of the application stay logged in function will get removed and you will have to login again.

Note: In case you want to remain logged in to the application without mentioning you password in the mobile app please do not logout. 

So, the next time you open the application, the dashboard will get open directly and not the login page.

Quick PIN

Quick  Pin feature in the ZingHR App is for your quick access to the app with a simple 4 digit PIN like your ATM Card.  Tired of remembering or typing in long user names and passwords? Quick PIN saves your time and effort as well as provides security to your application.

After entering the Company Code. Select the Quick PIN tab.

To set a new Quick PIN select the 'SET QUICK PIN option'.

 A page will be opened asking for your credentials. After entering your credentials click on 'Send OTP'.

Once the OTP is generated, it will display a pop-up for Success, stating OTP was generated successfully. The OTP would be send to your registered mobile number and email-id. 

Enter the received OTP and click on the Verify OTP button.

After Verifying the OTP it will ask you to set the new 4 digit Quick PIN. After setting the quick PIN you will get a 'QUICK PIN set successfully message'. You will now be able to Login, Punch In and Punch Out using the quick pin.